Karen Refugee Committee Monthly Report, May 2018


"This month, Karen Refugee Committee is organizing public consultation in Maela, Umphiem and Nupo camps. This kind of event has not been organized for the last four year. Is the gap been long or just a short time? It is not easy to say at the moment, but KRC, every individual in the camp are treated like family and this kind of event is important for us. Though we live in the same situation, have been seeing each other for long, and yet, due to these years of gap, we become unfamiliar to one another, and when we meet, it is like two cocks meeting each other again, but with different color of their faces. This has not been convenient as we can?t recognize each other and the meet is always tensed between us. Whom should we blame for, whether the color those make us look different or someone who create this situation? However, we don?t want to blame anyone on this. We have been gratitude towards people who have been staying with us in time of happiness and sorrow, and for this we will be always indebted to them. During the consultation, it is important that KRC reasserts its position, history how camp management structure and rule and regulation are necessary. As we all know, though we are considered as refugees, and yet, our life in refugee camp is not for eternity. These temporary shelters were set with the purpose that, one day, we all shall be returned and build our lives. Thus, for Karen refugee committee, it is important that, the last phase of the return should be voluntary with safety, dignity and self-reliance. We have been receiving praises and compliments from donors and ambassadors that, we are capable of managing our own affairs which is important as a people to be able to rule our self and exercise our freedom of rights. It is also important that, we hold on our works with dignity and honor no matter what circumstances we are facing now. For the Thai Royal family, government and Thai citizens, we are honored to be accepted and protected in this merciful land with respect and generosity to be able to live with human rights and dignity. The Karen refugee committee will always be grateful towards this gesture of love and friendship we are in exile. We would once again, pay our gratitude and love towards our beneficiaries, the Majesty the King of Thailand, Government officers, international donors, INGOs and every individuals for your unceasing supports and generosity. May the almighty God bless you and be with you all. Best wishes, General Secretary Karen Refugee Committee".... Map of Karen Refugee Camps...Newsletter and Activities report...Monthly Activities Report ...NGO Supporters...Camp Population Report: Registered people in the 7 camps (Mae La; Umphiem; Nu Po; Mae La Oon; Mae Ra Moe; Htam Hin; Don Yang); Unregistered people in the 7 camps; New Arrivals in the 7 camps; Pre-Screening People in the 7 camps; Number of PAB People in the 7 camps; Boarding House Students in the 7 camps; Feeding Figures in the 7 camps; General Population in the 7 camps."


Karen Refugee Committee

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