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/* Written 11:04 am  Feb 16, 1994 by tun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in igc:soc.cult.burma */
/* ---------- "US URGES DIALOG BETWEEN SLORC AND A" ---------- */
  <SRC> AP <DATE> 94/02/15 16:53:10
  c.1994 N.Y. Times News Service
     WASHINGTON  The United States urged Myanmar's military leaders
  Tuesday to ``build on this small step'' of Rep. Bill Richardson's
  meeting by ``beginning a dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi and moving
  toward genuine democratic reform.''
     In a statement, the Clinton administration added: ``The
  president regards the continued detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and
* all other prisoners of conscience in Burma as unacceptable and
  renews his call for their immediate and unconditional release.''
     The White House also released a copy of a letter from President
  Clinton that Richardson delivered to Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi on
     In the letter, Clinton praised Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi for her
  courage which he said was a source of inspiration to people around
  the world and expressed concern about her welfare.
     ``Obviously, the path to democratic change must be worked out by
  the Burmese themselves who have assigned you a key role in bringing
  about such a democratic transition,'' Clinton wrote. ``We strongly
  condemn the effort to deny you the right to participate freely in
* the political life of Burma.''